- Attin mamsam
- Filanthus embilica
- Tenninelia bellarica
- Kuminum siminum
- Vithania somnifera
- Proonus amigdalus
- Amigdalus
- Pepper negrum
- Kurkuma Longa
- Maristica fragrance
- Siseegium Amomatica
- Embilia ribes
- Holerina Andedecendrica
- Elaretia cardamomam
- Koriandrum satevam
- Seralia korilifia
- Aksiranthus aspothanlin
- Singiber oficinel
- Peper Longum
- Vettis venifera
- Singiber oficimel
- Alliyam stevam
- Alliyam sepa
- sugar candy
- It can be recommended as a general health tonic
- It improves strength, vitality
- Good for postnatal mothers after child birth
- 5- 30 ml. twice daily before meals or as suggested per by the physician
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